I was fortunate to meet Dr. Tehetena Teffera a few years ago, and since then, it has been a transformative healing journey that has greatly improved my health. I’ve never encountered a healer who takes the time to truly understand both the emotional and physical aspects of well-being. Dr. Tehetena is one of the most honest, caring, and helpful doctors I’ve ever known. She is extraordinary—exceptionally knowledgeable in nearly every area of human health and wellness. She is truly a “healer” in every sense of the word, and I consider her my savior.

ከጥቂት አመታት በፊት ዶ/ር ተኸተና ተፈራን በማግኘቴ እድለኛ ነኝ እና ጤንነቴን የለወጠው የፈውስ ጉዞ ነው። ስሜታዊ እና አካላዊ ክፍሎችዎን ለመረዳት ጊዜ የሚወስድ ፈዋሽ አጋጥሞኝ አያውቅም።
ዶ/ር ተኸተና እስካሁን ካየኋቸው በጣም ታማኝ ፣ተንከባካቢ እና አጋዥ ዶክተር ነች። እሷ ያልተለመደ ዶክተር ነች ፣ ስለ ሰው ጤና እና ደህንነት ሁሉንም ገጽታዎች በጣም የምታውቅ። እሷ በመሰረቱ “ፈውስ” ነች በሁሉም የቃሉ ትርጉም አዳኝ ብዬ እጠራታለሁ!